Are You Being Led by the Beautiful Side of Evil?

I don’t often post here on “God Is in the Compost Pile”. Maybe I should. Like many of you I have strong opinions about what I believe to be true, and some of those opinions might be worth sharing. During the past six months, I’ve had conflicting thoughts about the state of our country and the world. There’s one thought, though, that hasn’t changed. In fact, it’s grown more steady through the rise of COVID, politics and civil unrest. Maybe the Lord is leading me to share it with you, so I will.

Back in March when the pandemic began, the Lord set in my heart Matthew 7:15:

“Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ravenous wolves. (NKJV)

According to John Gill’s commentary, Jesus was referring  to the “Pharisees, who would have been thought to have been holy and righteous, humble, modest, and self-denying men; when they were inwardly full of hypocrisy and iniquity, of rapine, oppression, and covetousness; and, under a pretense of religion, ‘devoured widows’ houses’”.

As I’ve prayed these past few months and the Lord kept setting Matthew 7:15 on my heart, He also reminded me of a book I read years ago when I was a baby Christian, The Beautiful Side of Evil. The book’s message was that Satan can easily lead well-meaning Christians down his path without them being aware. What appears on the surface as good and true might mask something evil, a diversion perhaps from the truth.

Today, we Christians find ourselves seriously divided. We argue with each other about candidates, political platforms, social issues and even about whether a fellow sister or brother in the body of Christ is a true believer. Here’s something the Lord led me to think about: Does divisiveness please God, or does it please the enemy?

How did we get to this place of division?

One thought I’ve had is social media. It’s easy to see a post I agree with and hit share. But, I’ve learned to ask myself, “Are you sharing the truth?” Unless I can prove without a doubt that what I share is true, then I’m spreading rumors and gossip. Does that please God—or does it please the enemy?

Here’s something else God put on my heart: In church am I led to form my own opinions based on scripture? The beautiful side of evil can lead even pastors unknowingly in a direction not backed solidly by God’s Word. I don’t intend to disrespect pastors here or suggest they don’t know whereof they preach. I’m just suggesting that we Christians take the teaching one step further by studying how sermons and their related scriptures fit in context not only with one chapter or book in the Bible but also into the whole of God’s Word. Solid teaching brings God’s people together. It doesn’t lead to division.

In his letter to the Colossians, Paul writes:

“I want them (those in the Church) to be strengthened and joined together with love so that they may be rich in their understanding. This leads to their knowing fully God’s secret, that is, Christ himself. In him all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge are safely kept. I say this so that no one can fool you by arguments that seem good, but are false.” (Colossians 2:2–3  NCV)

Lately, we’ve been hit with so much information about so many things. Opinions are strong. Arguments sound good—but are they true?

I think the most important things we can do right now as Christians are to seek the truth through prayer, study God’s Word, and make sure any “truth” we share is set on solid facts.

According to Jesus, our goal should be to share the gospel and lead others to Him. That doesn’t happen if we contribute to division. Something more to think about: Is leading others toward agreeing with our own opinions more important than leading others to Christ?

The apostle John, the Evangelist, wrote:

Be sure you continue to follow the teaching you heard from the beginning. If you continue to follow what you heard from the beginning, you will stay in the Son and in the Father. (1 John 2:24 NCV)

One final thing to consider: Are you following the teaching you heard from the beginning, or are you following a new version of the Truth?

All I’m suggesting here is that you give some thought to the beautiful side of evil. Ask yourself whether or not you are being led down the right path. The answer is a personal issue between you and God.


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2 responses to “Are You Being Led by the Beautiful Side of Evil?

  1. Very good post. I want to add that when Christians are so widely divided, they can’t all be right. Rather than waste time arguing over who is right and who is wrong, I wish we would all be willing to pray for Jesus to remove the scales from any of our eyes who might be deceived. If every Christian, on both sides of the divide, prayed this from the heart, it might be amazing what we could do together to bring our nation back to order.

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